
Is this a good game idea?

Started by March 06, 2000 07:37 PM
4 comments, last by mmarvi 24 years, 11 months ago
I am thinking of writing a new version of the classic game Agent USA. In case you''ve been living in a cave in Alaska the last 20 years, in this game there is a "fuzzbomb" going around America turning innocent people into "fuzzbodies", and these fuzzbodies can turn other people into fuzz by touching them. You, Agent USA, have to go around America and stop the fuzz menace. I am thinking of adding things to this new version like your own white car that can drive around cities and shoot enemy cars who are in cahoots with the fuzzbomb. By doing this you earn cash, which you can use to buy things such as special crystals that can turn fuzzbodies into normal people, and special weapons that do the same but are more powerful. Plus, I''m thinking of putting teleporters that can transport your car from city to city. Anyway, a couple questions: Is this a good idea for an overhead, 2D game? Second, should the "Fuzzbomb" travel from city to city, requiring you to find it, or should it stay put in one city for the whole game? If you have any suggestions or ideas, please post them.
I actually think that its a pretty cool idea. I had a version of that game on my old Atari 800, and used to play it a lot. As far as the moving/not moving, why not make 2 levels of dificulty? Doesn''t seem like it would be hard to implement.
I am ashamed to admit that because I''m only 19, the first console I had was an 8-bit Sega. So I never played Agent USA. But it sounds like the "fuzz" concept was used because it wasn''t possible to represent much else with the old Atari''s primitive graphics. Maybe you can create a new theme?

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Does anyone know how the fuzzbomb went from city to city? I never got to that stage of the orginal game on my C64 emulator.
Sounds like a reall cool game! You should have multiple cities, for obvious fun factor reasons.
Your "idea" (in quotes cuz it''s really not your idea) sounds pretty cool! I''d love to play it if you ever get it up... I''d love to help, but, well- I''m kind of new to C++

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Is there a palette trick or something similar that can create the "fuzz" effect in the fuzzbomb sprite? Also, I''d still like to know how the fuzzbomb traveled, whether by train or some other method.

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