
major coding me please

Started by March 06, 2000 05:20 PM
2 comments, last by dutch 25 years ago
After building a very capable .3ds file importer for my 3dengine (Direct3D) with all the bells and whistles it turns out that my texture coords are all screwed up. When I view the model in MAX, it is perfect and the texture sits just right, however when I import it, the texture looks like a giant mess randomly scattered over the model. I am pretty much at a loss. I dont have access to the SDK, so I cannot write a plug-in and the truth is I would rather not start from scratch on this. Is there any way to fix this problem? Are there any patches for MAX that prevents it from screwing up the 3ds export? I am extremely sad right now and could use any help you guys and gals might have. Please.....
Well I can send you the source to the 3ds exporter that max uses! Then you could just extract your info from there! Maybe this will help maybe not. If I where you I would have made a plugin for max! It''s so simple to do it took me 10 hours to have a perfect exporter! I was in your shoes once with the 3ds thing. Sorry I can''t help more than

Check out my project @

I would certainly appreciate anything you can do to help. Source code would be great. Is the MAX SDK available for free download anywhere?
Well folks, I managed to figure out the issue. MAX is a very smart program that uses texture files in their original unflipped format to make its life easier. When I just flipped that sucker around in my loader, voila! we were in business.

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