
Please Help: Which C compiler to compile Zork src

Started by April 26, 2002 04:25 AM
5 comments, last by Bogseat 22 years, 7 months ago
The C++ compiler I useually use (Bloodshed DevC++) won''t compile the game, so I thought I''d try a decent C compiler. Does anyone know of one that will compile the Zork source code found on this website ? Thanks
can you post the site you got it from?
The problem with that source code is that it is really old. A lot of the rules have changed since then which is probably your cause for grief. What you can try is shut off the ++ part of your compiler and make it compile C code instead of C++.

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I compiled Zork with Mingw32 which is same GCC port that DevC++ IDE uses and it worked fine for me.
It is ANSI C so make sure you compile it with C compiler and
you also have to add #DEFINE TEXTFILE to dinit.c file.
Something like mine where is the path to dtextc.dat file.

  dinit.c....#else /* ! unix *///line 29#define TEXTFILE "d:\zorksrc\dtextc.dat" //add this  
OOH! OOH! I want! =D

Where did you find the source for Zork? =D

quote: Original post by Bogseat
...source code found on this website ?
Thanks for the help guys.
Much appreciated

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