
Quake Source

Started by March 06, 2000 02:15 PM
5 comments, last by _Neo_ 24 years, 6 months ago
Hi! With the Quake source you get a txt-file where Carmack states that you can sell your own version of Quake if you include the source. But the original Quake files like levels and such are still copyrighted. Now I wonder if I´m allowed to create my own levels, guns, skins and sounds with commercial programs and the sell this? And then I wonder: I da hell do I get my own levels, sounds,weapons etc in a .pak-file? Please answere me!!!
there are a couple of tools out there to manage pak files. go to or some other site to get one

Is the sounds, weapons etc also kept in the .pak?
Yes, all of the game data is contained in .pak files.
Hey Neo,
Yes, you can sell your own version of Quake if you include the source.
I''m not sure of the legality governing use of commercial progams and then selling something you make with them. Although I''m pretty sure no royalties are involved - you will have to see the appropriate text files for that informaiton.
Getting your own stuff in a .pak is easy - the best tool I have found is a program called PAK Explorer, it rocks.

Although, before you release your own version, I suggest you mail Carmack or some other id''er to make sure EVERYTHING you have done/are including is legal.

So, what are you waiting for!?!


I could be wrong, but I got the impression from reading the docs that came with the Quake source that you could distribute any games you made with the code, but not sell. I think it has to be distributed under the GNU public license, just like the Quake source itself.

Jonathan Little

Edited by - Qoy on 3/7/00 12:01:07 AM

Yes, U can SELL your own version if you want! :-)

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