link error?
Im getting the following error & warnings which seem to me are definately a link error although I have checked my directories and the files are there, any ideas?
d:\microsoft visual studio\myprojects\intrusion\fps_app.h(24) : error C2259: ''IDirect3D8'' : cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members:
d:\mssdkdx8\include\d3d8.h(164) : see declaration of ''IDirect3D8''
d:\microsoft visual studio\myprojects\intrusion\fps_app.h(24) : warning C4259: ''long __stdcall IDirect3D8::QueryInterface(const struct _GUID &,void ** )'' : pure virtual function was not defined
d:\mssdkdx8\include\d3d8.h(167) : see declaration of ''QueryInterface''
There are also about 250 or so warning just like this for all the functions in the d3d8.lib file
"Never have a battle of wits with an unarmed man. He will surely attempt to disarm you as well"~Vendayan
Are you trying to create a variable of type IDirect3D8 instead of IDirect3D8* ?
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