
Seeking someone to do a project (price can be discussed)

Started by April 21, 2002 01:42 PM
8 comments, last by ulucefe 22 years, 10 months ago
Hi, I want a simple car simulation. It must be implemented with VC++ 6.0, MFC, OpenGL. The car will be controlled with a slider bar ( accelarate or brake) The car will turn buy using keyboard. The environment where the car will go will not be detailed. The frame rate must be over 30 fps. Time reqired for the project will not be over 2 weeks. If do you want to do this project, please contact with me by email or ICQ. Price will discussed. ICQ: 114977386
Wrong forum. Hint: "Help Wanted".
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
lol..... nice specifications.... might I ask what it''s leading towards.... and is it by chance coursework of some sort? (two week deadline, doesnt seem like a professional project)

I''m just wondering.. that''s all.
"Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will have warmth for the rest of his life"
why does it need mfc or a slider for controls? personally i think thats stupid. instead you should use the mouse for gas/brake and for steering. makes things much eaiser. then you just have to show a box and horizontal movement deals with steering while vertical movement deals with gas/brake.

though this project as stated sounds like something someone would need because they have been napping in class and have not learned anything in class (nor want to). my advice, dont be a comp sci major, instead switch to IT where you dont have to code much.

EDIT: btw my going rate for such a project given the constraints (time and api) would be about $5000 (maybe slightly more depending on whether you are flexible with recognition). naturally a framerate of 30fps could be had VERY easily on a monster machine so thats not a problem since you never specified the machine specs that the framerate was targetted for.

[edited by - a person on April 21, 2002 6:25:16 PM]
Can you say "school project?" Skim through the NeHe tuts, there a fast read and you should be able to get a decent project done in about two weeks.
Using the mouse for steering a car isn''t really a very good idea, the very best way to drive a vehicle is the way they do it in C&C:Renegad, steer with the strafe buttons and look around and shoot with the mouse.

steering with the mouse is a grand idea if you cant look around and shoot. why settle for digital control when you can have more precise analog control? hwile at times it is eaiser to just tap the keyboard, its much more fun (and easier once you practice enough) using analog controls.
What do you mean "Can''t look around and shoot"? You make the camera''s position slightly behind and above the vehicle and lets you rotate around the vehicle with a fixed point position at the vehicle.

he means if your car is simply a car and not some tank who can turn around and shoot!

if its only a car you don''t have any use for turning around and shooting as you cant shoot.. and no need for turning around as well

i''ll go for digital control with the arrow-keys.. i have a trackball
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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that comes with Flash MX, check the samples just replace the ladybug with a car

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