
Poll !!!!

Started by March 05, 2000 06:39 AM
30 comments, last by Madelves 25 years ago
Which 3D API do you prefer to use in making / developing games ??
OpenGL : 1
DirectX: 0


Christianity, creationism, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!
I don''t know OpenGL, so I can''t prefer either, but I use DirectX.
Um, direct3d for me. It''s a beast to learn, but since I''m an old dos programmer, the idea of execute buffers makes more sense to me than calling a function to set vertices over and over again. Remember-- a CALL to a function is three cycles, and a RETURN is two cycles!

But I''ll admit direct3d is a monster to learn. It''s almost faster to just develop DLLs for every video card''s instruction set, and use those.
-- Goodlife-----------------------------Those whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.--DirectX design team official motto

Goodlife - Did you even look at OpenGL before you made your first comment?
Direct3D, but I dont know what the heck goodlife was talking about -- execute buffers are a long forgotten part of the API.

But if I were to recomend something, I would say GL since it''s much easier to find stuff on it.

Kind of off the wall, but what libs would i need to develop OpenGL for linux? (g++ or gcc)
Since Visual Basic is directly(or almost) compatible with DX and now comes with samples, I choose DX. OGL is also supported but in 3rd party. DX also is updated quite frequently
Okay, all you people and your senseless attacks on my good name:

For Kyle:
Yeah, I looked at openGl. My first couple programs were in it. It was very easy to learn. I didn''t see anything about exe buffers in it (this was at least 2 years ago). If new functionality has been added, then I''m just out of date-- I haven''t kept up on it.

For TheGoop:
Execute buffers are still in there. All the drawprimitives do is emulate exe buffer code that you would normally write yourself. I use execute buffers all the time, and LOVE IT.
DrawPrimitive is for sissies!

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