Ok i am very, very new to game developing and i was wondering what do you think would be the right lang. for a beginner to start off with? like c++, delphi, VB? what? please help thanks!.....
Brainf*ck. Turing-machine capable, and only 8 reserved words to learn.
OH! thanks that help alot, thanks for explaining really good yeah, right!....W/E....
He tried to be kind, idiot. Go FAQ yourself.
//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
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In addition, to avoid future embarassment, I suggest you read the following document thoroughly multiple times.
This is your first day. Don''t come in acting like an ungrateful jackass, especially since the second post DID answer your question.
//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
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This is your first day. Don''t come in acting like an ungrateful jackass, especially since the second post DID answer your question.
//email me.//zealouselixir software.//msdn.//n00biez.//
miscellaneous links
[if you have a link proposal, email me.]
Try going with Basic first(any form). Then move on to more advanced languages like C/C++. This way, you''ll get a solid knowledge of fundamentals of programming, and will have an easier time learning those hard languages. Oh yeah, btw, don''t go asking questions if you won''t accept them.
Always will be smarter
than you,
Always will be smarter
than you,
Wachar's Eternity <-<-<-<-<- Me own site!
I recommend Python as a good first language. Go to for details, and be sure to drop by the Newbies section. When you have learnt a bit about the language, you can check out PyGame for making games using Python.
[C++ FAQ Lite | ACCU | Boost | Stroustrup on Learning C++]
[C++ FAQ Lite | ACCU | Boost | Stroustrup on Learning C++]
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Original post by ZealousElixir
He tried to be kind, idiot.
Do you think that suggesting Brainfuck as a suitable language for anything is "trying to be kind"? The Smart Questions FAQ is usually recommended to people who have acted like a loser. I see only one person fitting that description in this thread. I''ll give you a clue: it''s not the OP. If you have no interest in helping someone on the right path to becoming a programmer, then please don''t make a fool of yourself about it.
[C++ FAQ Lite | ACCU | Boost | Stroustrup on Learning C++]
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