
Capturing what the user types

Started by March 04, 2000 02:16 PM
0 comments, last by Fredric 24 years, 6 months ago
In my little text-based game, I prompt the user to type in the passphrase, "The ice is nice.". The following line of code was to kind of test if I could do it... #include ''iostream.h'' #include ''string.h'' int main() { char NeedToType[80] = "The Ice Is Nice\n"; char UserType[80]; cout << "Type in the correct passphrase: "; cin >> UserType; if (UserType == NeedToType) { cout << "Very good!\n"; return 0; } else { cout << " Wrong!\n"; } return 0; } of course, this doesn''t work. Anyhow, I need to find out how my program can capture what the user types, and depending on what the user types act differently. Can anyone help me on this? Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
"if (UserType == NeedToType)" only compares the string''s adresses (a char[80] is in fact a pointer to the first char)... and of course, the 2 adresses will never be equal.
Use instead the strcmp function :

if (strcmp(UserType,NeedToType)==0) // strings equal
else //strings different

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