
Starting graphics and DirectX

Started by March 04, 2000 11:50 AM
2 comments, last by dannyxyz22 24 years, 6 months ago
Firstly, I would like to know what do I need to start the directX draw in my programs... Which #include must I use? I use MS Visual Studio C++ 6.0 and I have know that I must put some files in the settings of the programs... Could someone give me the source to simply display a graphic file or part of it? Besides, I would like to know what is HWND and what library it uses. Thanks for everything... (Oh, I''ve download the light version of DirectX SDK, and I think the files are alredy in C++, is it true, or did I really had to download the SDK?
although you have the right sdk it won''t serve you much as a beginner, because there are no samples in it.
download the big one or even better, buy a book that contains the SDK and even teaches you how to use it!

HWND is a handle to a window in a WIN32 system, it is defined in "windows.h" and contained in the standard win32 library (dunno)
Forget about programming DirectX apps, and just learn how to program in general. No offence, but I don''t think it would be wise for you to try DirectX without knowing Win32.
William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

i learned programming dx and windows at the same time.
it''s really not the easiest way, but it can be done.
just get some good reference material and a lot of motivation


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