RGB Formats
What are the various 16 bit RBG formats that are used? I want to ensure that the project I am working on will work on machines with different formats. On my machine it is
R5 B6 G5.
You must enumerate the formats to make know what format is used by the user's computer.
Available formats are:
RGB 565 // The most popular format
RGB 555
BGR 565 // Very unusual
BGR 555
There may be more formats available, and if you add the alpha channel as well you have even more.
Edited by - Spellbound on 3/1/00 8:17:16 AM
Available formats are:
RGB 565 // The most popular format
RGB 555
BGR 565 // Very unusual
BGR 555
There may be more formats available, and if you add the alpha channel as well you have even more.
Edited by - Spellbound on 3/1/00 8:17:16 AM
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