
Learning Direct3D

Started by March 01, 2000 05:46 AM
5 comments, last by xstreme2000 25 years ago
I want to learn direct 3d. Do I start with Retained or Immediate Mode. Also where do I start? //--- Created by Tom Oram --- //
Immediate Mode is more the standard for the industry and also where MS appears to be focusing on so that is what I would recommend. Retained Mode, while still available, is no longer being developed.
That, though, is not the end of the world since IM has quickly grown to be much easier to learn and work with and it is much more powerful and faster than RM.
Starting out though can be kind of a bummer since good books are really lacking. 3D Game Programming with C++ by John DeGoes is the only IM title that I know of. Inside Direct3D was supposedly out last month but I haven''t heard anything about it. However, MS has some excellent documentation with the 7.0 sdk. I was able to learn basic IM all from their docs and examples. If you already are familiar with some basic 3D theory and DirectDraw you might do fine with just using the sdk info.
If you are totally new to 3d you might want to consider brushing up on some theory (there are numerous good books out there) and using RM as an introduction/stepping stone to IM. Cutting Edge 3D Programming Trujillo is a good RM book.

Happy Reading,

Just to add, Inside Direct3D is scheduled (according to amazon) to be published today. If it is as good as Inside DirectX I would consider it a must have.

Edited by - Sieggy on 3/1/00 6:46:57 AM
I don''t have the SDK yet just the DX7 headers files. I''m using GetRight and it should take about another 6/7 days. Thanks for the help.
I suggest you start with D3DIM if you want to learn Direct3D for game purpose and D3DRM if you want to do 3D applications, otherwise there''s no reason to start with D3DRM.

You should also start by checking your skills in "3D thinking", how to think in 3D, different "space" terms like camera space and world space, transformations and then polygons.

Don''t try to jump right into creating "Quake like" games, since D3D is hard enough as it is. And make sure you know the area before moving on to the next. Make small samples and develop them by hand.

My first D3D app was at first a polygon, then a textured one, and then a spinning, texture-animated one...get the picture?

Hope that helps!

Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design
============================Daniel Netz, Sentinel Design"I'm not stupid, I'm from Sweden" - Unknown
Quake like game...ha ha ha...ha ha...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.............ha.....ha ha..ha! I was thinking more like a dot on the screen

//--- Created by Tom Oram ---

I have to agree with Sieggy. I''m just staring out with DirectX and the SDK documentation is excellent. It''s available as a seperate download (about 4.5MB).

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