Rixter: thanks. I checked out some Battle Angel stuff and it''s certainly worth looking in to.
Between you and Superpig you''ve just come up with the coolest idea ever. Implementing it would be tricky but well worth it in the end.
The idea of an ending based upon the players'' actions throughout the game is inspiring.
I''d always liked the idea of context sensitive situations but couldn''t find a reasonable way of implementing them (at least into the design) without going the Deus Ex route. Which in reality wasn''t that good at all and wouldn''t suit this design.
The key to this design IMO is the inclusion of the girl.
She forces a reaction from Android that probably wouldn''t have happened otherwise.
To have that also affect the outcome of the game is interesting.
Scenario #1:
Android (player) smashes the place up throughout the entire game then finds that the Big Brother has little respect for him at all and the showdown ends in violence.
The girl is unimpressed and Android appears to regret his actions. He promptly relives his past 24 hours and puts it all right in his mind. Forcing a ''happy'' ending for the player.
Scenario #2:
Android (player) is clever about how he gets through the game using limited violence and the Big Brother shows him much respect based on this. The end is a happy one with Big Brother not resorting to violence. Instead he chooses to share some wonder knowledge with Android that makes him a much bigger character.
He and the girl live their dream and escape to utopia.
Needs work but would work a treat.
Note: Big Brother needn''t be depicted by a 3D character. He OWNS the world in which Android exists. He can use anything within that world to represent himself. Including buildings.