

Started by February 29, 2000 07:18 AM
2 comments, last by Mr_Black 25 years ago
Does any one know of any good tutorials of how to use OpenGL in windoows using MFC. I''m working through NeHe''s tutorials I can happily understand the API version but I need to get it running in MFC. Any pointers to any useful references?
There''s a book called OpenGL Programming for Windows 95 and Windows NT (it may have been updated by now) by Ron Fosner. In it, he shows how he created an OpenGLView class for MFC. I think I remember seeing some articles by Fosner on the MSDN CD detailing the same.
MSDN Library: OpenGL and MFC
Thanks guys just fixed it. I was loseing the CDC due to me creating it on the heap rather than using the new keyword.

Thanks again.

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