
TrackPopupMenu() Problem

Started by February 29, 2000 05:10 AM
1 comment, last by xstreme2000 24 years, 6 months ago
I have a small popup menu problem, I load my menu from my resource the when I call TrackPopupMenu my menu pops up and functions correctly EXCEPT its only about 5pixel wide so you can't read any of the items on the menu. Why????? If anyone has as small program which uses the TrackPopupMenu function and works please could you send me a copy: or if its a simple solution please follow this message up. Thanks in advance. Edited by - xstreme2000 on 2/29/00 5:19:48 AM Edited by - xstreme2000 on 2/29/00 5:54:47 AM
This is how I do the popup menu:

void CMyView::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) {  CMenu Menu;  ClientToScreen(&point);  if( Menu.LoadMenu(IDR_POPUP) )  {    CMenu* pSubMenu = Menu.GetSubMenu(0);    if( pSubMenu != NULL )    {      pSubMenu->TrackPopupMenu(TPM_LEFTALIGN / TPM_RIGHTBUTTON,point.x,point.y,GetParent());    }  }  CView::OnRButtonDown(nFlags, point);} 

Maybe you can see your error there.

Edited by - Spellbound on 2/29/00 7:34:46 AM
To anwer your question over the ICQ: "Is your example MFC? because my problem is no MFC". Yes it is.

If you post how you''re doing it maybe someone can help.

(Next time you send a pager message, you need to supply some way of responding. )

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