
Conversion from VC++ to VB, please help

Started by April 02, 2002 01:47 AM
2 comments, last by Waldoo 22 years, 10 months ago
I am trying to convert VC++ code to VB. I hope you don't mind to help me out with this. The problem I have is that VB did not run through the codes between for and next like it skipped all of it. I stopped at "glEnd" and checked the numbers in variables and found that it didnt do the counting work. Waldoo I posted the full paragraph code just for in case if you want to review it. ================================================================ VC++ Code: const double DTR = 3.141593 / 180; const int inc = 5; float red = 0.0f, green = 0.0f, blue = 0.0f; int reda = 1, greena = 1, bluea = 1; glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f); glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN); glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); for(int i = 0; i <= 360; i+= inc) { glColor3f(reda*red, greena*green, bluea*blue); red += (inc/(float)360)*3; if(red > 1.0f) reda = 0; if(reda == 0) green += (inc/(float)360)*3; if(green > 1.0f) greena = 0; if(reda == 0 && greena == 0) blue += (inc/(float)360)*3; glVertex3f(cos(i*DTR), sin(i*DTR), 0); } glEnd(); ================================================================ VB Code: (I hope I did the most right:-) Private Const DTR = 3.141593 / 180 Private Const inc = 5 Public Function DrawGLScene() As Boolean ' Here's Where We Do All The Drawing Dim Red As Integer: Red = 0 Dim Green As Integer: Green = 0 Dim Blue As Integer: Blue = 0 Dim Reda As Integer: Reda = 1 Dim Greena As Integer: Greena = 1 Dim Bluea As Integer: Bluea = 1 Dim I As Integer Dim float As Integer glClear clrColorBufferBit Or clrDepthBufferBit glLoadIdentity ' Reset The Current Matrix glTranslatef 0#, 0#, -5# ' Move Into The Screen 5 Units glRotatef xrot, 1#, 0#, 0# ' Rotate On The X Axis glRotatef yrot, 0#, 1#, 0# ' Rotate On The Y Axis glRotatef zrot, 0#, 0#, 1# ' Rotate On The Z Axis glBegin (bmTriangleFan) glColor3f 0#, 0#, 0# glVertex3f 0#, 0#, 0# For I = 0 To 360 Step Inc glColor3f (Reda * Red), (Greena * Green), (Bluea * Blue) Red = Red + (inc / 360) * 3 If Red = 1# Then Reda = 0 End If If Reda = 0 Then Green = Green + (inc / 360) * 3 End If If Green > 1# Then Greena = 0 End If If Reda = 0 And Greena = 0 Then Blue = Blue + (inc / 360) * 3 End If glVertex3f Cos(I * DTR), Sin(I * DTR), 0 Next I glEnd xrot = xrot + 0.3 ' X Axis Rotation yrot = yrot + 0.2 ' Y Axis Rotation zrot = zrot + 0.4 ' Z Axis Rotation DrawGLScene = True ' Keep Going End Function Edited by - waldoo on April 2, 2002 6:16:13 AM
Im curious...If you port from C++ to VB you know C++ right?...why even use VB?
______________________________Only dead fish go with the main-stream.
You declared:

Private Const inc = 5

then attempted to use:

For I = 0 To 360 Step Inc

notice the case difference with your variable
You want to convert code from C++ to VB? Look here for some help in this matter.

[EDIT] Yes this is a crap post. Ignore if you have no sense of humor or are easily offended.

[edited by - Michalson on April 2, 2002 4:41:53 PM]

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