Original post by iQ
Get a grip. People have a right to their beliefs, no matter what they are. Further, I still haven''t seen anyone in this thread dogmatically say there was a soul... merely taking the possiblity into account.
Webster''s Online:
One entry found for narrow-minded.
Main Entry: nar·row-mind·ed
Pronunciation: "nar-O-''mIn-d&d, "nar-&-
Function: adjective
Date: 1625
: lacking in tolerance or breadth of vision : PETTY
- nar·row-mind·ed·ly adverb
- nar·row-mind·ed·ness noun
''nuff said
Posting a definition to a word does not prove anything. I could post a dictionary definition on what being right means but that doesn''t prove that I am.
Do you believe the universe is inside a goat''s stomach? Does it make you narrowminded if you don''t? No, it doesn''t, that is just silly. Just because I don''t agree with something does not make me narrowminded.
Please enlighten me; what is a soul? What does it do? How are you aware that one might exist? Do insects and animals have soul? If they don''t, why not? (Not rhetorical questions)
As far as I know, a soul is something that you have that makes you human in a feelings way. Animals do not have soul. Animals can learn, we can learn, therefore even if a soul does exist (which I think is silly), it does not effect thinking.
I just find it very annoying that all the work that scientists do to prove things counts for nothing because of issues like this. Why do we have to humor people with ideas that have nothing to do with fact? Why can''t they be wrong until proven true like everything else in life?
I think human learning comes about because trees watch us do things and they tell our brain telepathically what we are doing wrong so we can change to get the right results. There. Why don''t you take that possibility into account? It could be true also.