
lil question, before i make this complicated...

Started by April 01, 2002 04:26 PM
1 comment, last by feshmania 22 years, 10 months ago
i''d like a few suggestions, maybe, on how to make a hand in OpenGL... here''s the deal: i am making a program that is for AFCEA (its a Computer Science Fair) and I really dont expect to win with openGl, but I''d like to make the program look good. I am at a part where I''ll need to create a hand, but with all the geometric figures to choose from, I dont know which. What I''m looking for is a suggestion on the best way to help. If I get some good one''s I''ll be more than happy to credit them with assitance... Thanks feshMANIA hey how you doin''''?
feshMANIAhey how you doin''?
Read some tutorials on MD2 loading it will take a day or two but then you can just model the hand is Milkshape and load the file in textured and everything if you want.
A man walks into a bar.....ouch!?! Ya get it, do ya huh huh well....awww I give up.
thanks man...

still lookin for more replies :-D


hey how you doin''''?
feshMANIAhey how you doin''?

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