
Attention ICQ Users

Started by February 28, 2000 09:19 PM
2 comments, last by Fredric 25 years ago
As a beginner at C++, I am always asking questions about how to do certains tasks in C++. In fact, that''s exactly why I come to this message board just about every single day! The message board here is very good, has a lot of very generous people willing to give up some of their time to help those in need. However, I have come up with a small, simple idea. For those of you who want to help others with C++ questions, or ask questions- listen up. I want to make a small network of people on ICQ that ask questions, and give answers as best as they can, through ICQ. Thus, everyone who wants to participate in this small group of people (experts to the language very needed, as they''ll be able to slap out some of the best answers), please send me an authorization request concerning this post. Thanks for your time everyone! Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
That''s the beauty of this message board. You can post a question/tip and let everyone respond/reap rewards on an as needed basis.

That''s the premise of it anyways, barring the fact the redundancy of post/replies it does seem to have its flaws every now and then

Also, it''s been my experience that you should never listen to _any_one_ person and take it as Bible. No matter the knowledge a person lacks/possess, at some point it will be flawed. Another plus for message boards, where these points can be challenged when incorrect, and passed on to others when correct.

So yes, these message boards can be slow, redundant, and sometimes a waste of time, but overall: This place rocks!!!

Just a thought but good luck on your venture, seriously.


I agree with you whole-heartidly, but I often find that I have tiny simple answers. Answers that can be asked and answered within the blink of an eye! I also find that I sometimes have embarassing (game programming! programming questions that I might only want ONE person to see, or something along those lines. You see where I''m coming from?
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
As for asking private help-questions for your game code or something, you can always go to mIRC and ask.

"There's always another way around"

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