
Easy Question

Started by March 29, 2002 10:30 PM
1 comment, last by CodeManiacsDEV 22 years, 11 months ago
I am a little confused on how this MMORPG operate. Every post I vist people always want to make one but it seem very difficult. Do the users download the .exe or is it ran on the server? How is the input from the user proccessed? Any good books on explaining the concepts?
Original post by CodeManiacsDEV
Do the users download the .exe or is it ran on the server?

Both, they download the .exe and all the other program file that may be needed and when it comes time to play, the program will connect the user to the server that''s running the game.


How is the input from the user proccessed?

I''m no networking expert, but I would assume that the input is processed like normal, except it is first sent to the server to determine how it effects the rest of the game, and then updates what you see to reflect the changes that happened as a result of your input.

No good books are coming to mind right now, others on the board should be able to come up with a few for ya. Hope that helps.



-Comic Book Store Guy''s t-shirt that I saw on the Simpsons, although it didn''t actually come from the Simpsons.
C:DOSC:DOSRUNRUNDOSRUN-Comic Book Store Guy's t-shirt that I saw on the Simpsons, although it didn't actually come from the Simpsons.
Programming Role Playing Games With DirectX would be a good resource.

Breakaway Games

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