
Circle dyed like color

Started by March 29, 2002 02:17 AM
4 comments, last by Waldoo 22 years, 11 months ago
How do you make circle with filled dyed RGB like the one in Nehe''s tutorial #4? (The one with triangle) Waldoo
That''s much different because the triangle only has three points. You will need to make a gradient texture yourself (I think) and then map it to a quadratic sphere or quadratic disc object. You can find info on quadratics in NeHe''s tutorial 24

Quadrics are evil. Use your brain.

  	const double DTR = 3.141593 / 180;		const int inc = 5;	float red = 0.0f, green = 0.0f, blue = 0.0f;	int reda = 1, greena = 1, bluea = 1;		glTranslatef(0.0f, 0.0f, -5.0f);			glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN);		    glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);		glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);			for(int i = 0; i <= 360; i+= inc)		{			glColor3f(reda*red, greena*green, bluea*blue);			red += (inc/(float)360)*3;			if(red > 1.0f) 				reda = 0;			if(reda == 0)				green += (inc/(float)360)*3;			if(green > 1.0f)				greena = 0;			if(reda == 0 && greena == 0)				blue += (inc/(float)360)*3;			glVertex3f(cos(i*DTR), sin(i*DTR), 0);		}	glEnd();    


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Well, I''ve exceeded my transfer quota from geocities AGAIN, but if you happen by at a later date, you can view a screenshot of the effect here:



Use my brain? I haven''t done that for years!

Thanks for the code! I learned alot from it. I am working on it to generate RGB count from 0/255 to 0/16.7 million colors to make a color wheel. I have been working on it for hours as I am newbie to C++.

C++ and VB has little different way of writing formulas. I wrote a formula below in C++ but it did not work. I hope you will help me out.

glColor3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glVertex3f(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

for(int i = 0; i < 360; i+= inc)
for(int red=0; red<256; ++red) {
for(int green=0; green<256; ++green) {
for(int blue=0; blue<256; ++blue) {
glColor3f((red/255), (green/255), (blue/255));
glVertex3f(cos(i*DTR), sin(i*DTR), 0);


[edited by - waldoo on March 30, 2002 5:30:08 AM]

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