

Started by March 26, 2002 08:55 PM
9 comments, last by GoldenOne 22 years, 11 months ago
How would you put up a .bmp file on C++ console program? I am making a game that I made and on the front, I want to put in a picture that I made in MSVC++.
Please search these forums for your answer. It has been asked many times before.

Invader X
Invader''s Realm
i dont like that search thing... its the worst one i have ever seen... it ALWAYS gives me an error like... string only contained ignored words and stuff like that...
I''ve never had problems with it.

Invader X
Invader''s Realm
Try removing common words from your query.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name
Also MSDN will have info about using bitmaps with GDI. Google too.

Helpful links:
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way | Google can help with your question | Search MSDN for help with standard C or Windows functions
Well, can I get some info on bitmap loading for console? Not DirectX? Just to get some letters up. (game name)
You can''t put a bitmap on a console.

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Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
If you have a 16-bit DOS compiler, look for some stuff on mode 13h. If you''re writing a Win32 console app, you can''t use bitmaps and graphics like that.

You might want to learn the Win32 API and use GDI, and afterwards you could move onto DirectX or OpenGL.
Well, since you cannot put an image into the console, you need to either a: create a window and place the image in that or B: Ask DirectX if you can render the screen in FullScreen mode. in either case, i am not going to cover all of that because i don''t have time. The easiest is to make a window and use the GDI. DO a search over there at the MSDN for GDI, DC, the Windows Class, and the WinMain entry point.

Good luck...
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