
good books?

Started by February 26, 2000 11:42 PM
3 comments, last by Aztec 25 years ago
good morning ( for all you east coasters ) has anyone here read "Teach yourself directx programming in 24 hours"? if so, what did you think of it? would it be a good book for someone who is unfamiliar with directx, but familiar with c++ to work with? I''ve seen some of the source code on the cd, and it seems to be pretty good ( but i''m no expert by any means ) thanks for the input Aztec
The book goes through a lot of stuff too fast for comfort and isn''t very clear on some parts so I wouldn''t recommend it if your just starting. As i''m looking at it right here on my desk (beside Tricks of Win Game Programmers) I would say the best way is to read both at the same time(by taking the best from both worlds). Just take the Direct 7ness of DXin24 and the gameness of Andre''s book. Hope this helps. Peace.
I''ve read "INSIDE DIRECTX" and i recommended it many times before
I recently purchased ''teach yourself direct x in 24 hours''. it doesn''t seem that bad to me, but i haven''t really got to read it yet since i need to learn my windows programming first.

- Moe -
Of all the books I have seen ("Teach yourself directx programming in 24 hours" is not one of them), there is no perfect book. I also recommend having more than one book (my personal combination is Tricks of the Windows Game Programmers and Inside DirectX).

Grandpa Simpson - "I never thought I could shoot down a German plane, but last year I proved myself wrong!"
---Grandpa Simpson - "I never thought I could shoot down a German plane, but last year I proved myself wrong!"

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