
Need this engine testing

Started by March 25, 2002 05:54 AM
26 comments, last by SmiLeY1k2k 22 years, 11 months ago
Original post by kenwi
I get about 14-15 when I run the app. My hardware is a PIII@617Mhz and a Geforce 6800 deluxe. 512 megs sdRAM.. Os is win2k prof.
I noticed, when I disable Vsync I get 1-2(??)

Thanks for that. I forgot to disenable Vsync
I tested your engine and i got 85fps. Also the number i was hoping it would stay round about the same if the computer is more powerful than mine :|

Im running WindowsXP Home on a Pentium4
768 ram (pc800)
nVidia GeForce2 mx400 64ram
and a 15000rpm scsi hard drive (36.4gig) $900+

also number was about 12 to 14

I took away them triangles
~4.6 on a athlon xp 1800+ , 256 ddr ram, geforce 2 and win2k pro
-------------------------------------"Oasis is not dead !" - WiseMan
Thanks all for the replys, if you enable vsync you should get around 11 to 14.

- Thanks
Yeah - but what do those numbers mean?

Death of one is a tragedy, death of a million is just a statistic.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

Pentium 3 600 Mhz
Windows 98
AGP nVidia
I get ~16.6 here on a AMD Athlon 1.6Ghz, 512mb RAM on XP Prof.
yeah with vsync on i have ~16.6 in 1280x1024
but if i run it in 1024x768 it decrease to ~11.1~!?
-------------------------------------"Oasis is not dead !" - WiseMan

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