

Started by March 24, 2002 12:32 AM
9 comments, last by Strife 22 years, 6 months ago
*humms softly* Ok. Well, I know next to nothing about this, but why would you be running a copy of xfstt?

I found a linux version ( which indicated you replace the xfs and mkfontdir with new binaries, and then restart, using them.

...gimp, etc. at least, should be able to use fonts if the x font server is active and working correctly (are you sure it is?). If all else fails, you could also try the gimp-freetype split from CVS ( which includes support for true type fonts (manual load or something similar I presume).

Finally, possibly this article set will help you:

Note especially the ones at the bottom: "can''t install fonts" and
"about the fonts... the answer is..." (I especially liked that one:

Anyway, if it doesn''t help. Have a look around; It''s possibly just that specific font package which is not working.


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