
PLEASE! Some feedback would be welcome!

Started by February 25, 2000 11:05 AM
3 comments, last by Mr.Mouse/XeNTaX 25 years ago
I posted this in the Help Wanted section, guess that was a wrong idea.... I''m planning on porting my MultiEx to Windows in the future, and I''d like to know which easy-to-use Winfriendly language I should use. I''ve got BC++, but I don''t have much time to get into that, as I''m busy with my work. ;-( So, I''d have to do it quickly and easily. The problem is not the normal coding, but the windows-creation-blahblah. Finally, if you''d have any ideason how to improve MultiEx, shoot! Thanks in advance... Mr.Mouse
XeNTaX Zax
XeNTaX MultiEx
(:Music for PC and C64!:)
XeNTaX Zax
XeNTaX MultiEx
(:Music for PC and C64!:)
Use VB if speed is not a real issue. Very easy to use and windows-creation simplified.

-Bean Dog

If you already know C++, and you want it quickly and easily, then I would use Borland C++Builder. It''s a good environment. It''s sort of like Visual Basic, except with C++ as the language, as it provides the same type of object model and ease of use. Same thing goes for Delphi, except in Pascal. If you use Borland C++, it probably won''t be as easy, since that''s still a "traditional" C++ development system.

Jonathan Little
OK, so, VB is easy and userfriendly when it comes to windows-programming, and BC++ would also be easy as I already know C++. Well, ok, so speed is not a real issue, I would want to finish it someday. Hmm...

XeNTaX Zax

XeNTaX MultiEx

(:Music for PC and C64!:)
XeNTaX Zax
XeNTaX MultiEx
(:Music for PC and C64!:)
I didn''t mean to say BC++ was easy.. It''s not gonna be as easy as VB. Basically, Borland C++Builder (different from Borland C++) is VB for C++. You can use the C++ language, but with a VB like environment and object model.

Jonathan Little

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