
Definition of a game programmer

Started by February 24, 2000 02:53 PM
3 comments, last by eqs 24 years, 6 months ago
I was wondering what you real programmers like to define yourself/job as. What do you think it is? PEACE GAZZ
The programmer, in my opinion, is the one who builds the progam. That''s a vague description, but that''s I consider programmers to do (I can''t call myself a programmer yet... at least not until I''ve made my first game)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
The game programmer is the magician who entertains the crowd.
I like that one, thanks Spellbound!

Game programmer: a person with tolerence for errors and has the ability to turn complete mumbo jumbo into something that people will like (and also the ability to confuse almost anyone he/she knows)

- Moe -

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