
returning to single texturing from multitexturing....what am i missing?

Started by March 18, 2002 08:41 AM
3 comments, last by jasonf 22 years, 11 months ago
OK, I check for multitexturing extentions, turn them on and multitexture away, but how the hell do I return to a non multitexture mode if I want to? Every time I go back to my software''s title graphic, I just see black...Do I have to stay in multitexture mode once its activated and keep writing to only ARB0? HELP!
Jason FeserCode Geek / Visuals Guyelasticmediaproductions
bind the second texture to NULL and it should work.

Ben Gosney.
Please excuse my grammer, I'm from zomerzet
never do that
just disable the texture unit in question eg
glActiveTextureUnir(0) make sure u set the unit to the one u want operated on
just to clarify, you NEVER enable or disable multitexturing. its simply ALWAYS ENABLED if your gpu supports it.. all you need is to disable/enable the different texturestages (2 on most, 3 on older radeons, 6 on the new radeon, 4 on geforce3 and 4), as he told you


that disables the second texture => you will only use the first and the second one is simply discarted..
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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thank you all for the quick replies.

Jason FeserCode Geek / Visuals Guyelasticmediaproductions

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