
Games with Marcomedia Director 7

Started by February 23, 2000 08:39 PM
3 comments, last by Mysterious 24 years, 6 months ago
Hi! I am learning Marcomedia Director 7, and is wondering how to program a simple arcade game with it. Does everything just happened in a single frame, or over a span of frames? Any help or links will be appreicated. Thanks in advance!
in general you''d do a single frame for most of it, it''s been about 3 years since I''ve used director, but I still remember a little.. let''s see..
it''d help if I knew what kind of game you''re making but let''s use a pinball game as an example: in channel 1(I think they''re called channels..) you''d have the non-moving parts of the pinball game which would be the pinball machine itself except for the flippers, springs, etc and the score box(but not the score)
then you''d have each of the flippers, the ball, the score etc each in their own channel then simply have your game loop check for keypresses and update the screen(ball position, flipper graphic etc)
Different sequences in the game, for example startup screen and highscore may preferably be located on different frames.

I did a little space-shooter-game in Directory a couple of years ago just to try it out, things may have changed since then.
Thanks Effigy and Stefpet for your advices...

The game I had in mind is either something akin
to "space invader" or "arkanoid".

Another question come to my mind -- For example I am
creating a rpg with Director 7, and now am involved in
a combat scene (something like Final Fantasy games before
it went 3d). How to I activate the attack/spellcasting
animation? I know I could copy all the not chaging
portion of the stage to another part of the score, but
is this a good solution (for it meant that I need to have
a different portion of frame for each different attack/spell).

Anyone can offer a better suggestion?

Thanks in advance
Well, one of my real-life friends, Gary Rosenzweig, has written several books on Director (his latest being Using Director 7, Special Edition) and is currently writing one that will be out in the next few months that will contain a large number of games written in Director 7 with the complete source code and complete usage rights (which looks really cool, even to me, and I''m not a Director programmer). He has some resource links up at
that you might want to look at.

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