
Slowdown in wglDeleteContext

Started by March 15, 2002 07:24 PM
-1 comments, last by IndirectX 22 years, 11 months ago
Hi all, I''m experiencing a ridiculous slowdown in wglDeleteContext when running, for example, NeHe''s Tutorial 12 and my program based on it. This call takes two full seconds to complete on my 1.5G Athlon & GF3, Detonator 23.11. I get this both in debug and release builds, with debug and release D3D runtimes. The problem seems to be in display lists. When I create a display list and render it, but don''t fill it with anything (nothing between glNewList and glEndList) this slowdown goes away. If I create and fill it, but don''t display it (comment out glCallList), it also goes away. Has anyone experienced this? Is the problem in GL code, my drivers, or my hardware? Thanks in advance.
---visit #directxdev on afternet <- not just for directx, despite the name

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