
Open Source

Started by February 23, 2000 08:41 AM
1 comment, last by Faff_Master 25 years ago
I am currently writing a Tetris clone using Visual C++ and DirectX 7. When I am finished I want to release the game and the source on the net. Where can I get information on Open Source Policies and Copyright Material . Regards , Faff.
you''d prolly want to do something under the GNU licesing agreement, i think its at
Check the Tetris clone on my site out: it has free source! Anyone can feel free to rape anything they want from the code as long as they put my name somewhere in the code (tip: make it at the very bottom of some source file that no one will ever look at).

Oh, here's the full link to the GPL.


Edited by - Matthew Allen on 2/23/00 4:18:00 PM

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