
using an existing game engine

Started by February 22, 2000 11:45 PM
2 comments, last by ^TeSt^ 25 years ago
i''m getting ready to make my first wrestling game.i want to use fire pro wrestling g engine,it''s in 2d and has smooth movments,i really like the engine and want to use but not sure how.please help heres a site about the game for those wondering what it is
Ummm, you can''t. Well, you MIGHT be able to, if the company responsible is willing to sell you the engine, but that seems highly unlikely, and even so, they''d charge you gobs of money. I don''t want to be judgemental, but I get the impression you don''t have a five or six digit bank account that you can blow on a wrestling game engine anytime soon.

oh well i''ll just start from scratch.

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