Textures and Stuff.
Should You have a seperate Vertex for Every group of polygons with the same texture.
Why dont you have them in the order of there textures then, in DrawPrimitive function you just change the start_vertex to the new one, and num_vertex to how many points have the same texture?
And before all this when the Game is loading you could load all the points in one vertex buffer and do that, Would that work?, whats a better way.
Thanks soo much(as always

That is exactly how I''m doing it. Others advise not to, but when I did it there was no big performance hit. Now with sectoring(my version of portals) I get 130fps w/o vsync. If you are writing your own 3d format you should sort it there. For your information, I''m going to use the following steps for rendering.
1. If CurTexture is not Texture then CurTexture = Texture
2. CurLightMap = LightMap
3. Render Primitives
My style is only optimal on the SetTexture section and not DrawPrimitive. I think SpellBound said that you could have your textures in one big surface and use proper texture coordinates on your poly''s to save the amount of DrawPrimitives, but in my world there are about 8000 polygons because QBsp splits brushes.
1. If CurTexture is not Texture then CurTexture = Texture
2. CurLightMap = LightMap
3. Render Primitives
My style is only optimal on the SetTexture section and not DrawPrimitive. I think SpellBound said that you could have your textures in one big surface and use proper texture coordinates on your poly''s to save the amount of DrawPrimitives, but in my world there are about 8000 polygons because QBsp splits brushes.
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