
Am I good enough?

Started by February 22, 2000 07:27 PM
57 comments, last by PsYcHoPrOg 24 years, 6 months ago
Don''t get frusturated, like everyone else said, take ur time and you''ll get through. Age is never a problem, in fact, the younger you are, the easier it is to learn new things, or so it is said.

(well, I guess, if you were 3, it might be a bit hard to learn programming, but u knew what I meant )
Delisk, I speak only for myself in this but I only program as a hobby because I am only 15 and have to go to school. I fully intend to go into game programming as a career after I get out of college. I understand how good Carmack is, and that is why he is my professional role model,

"I think and think for months and years, ninety-ninety times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right."
---Albert Einstein

You know, if Albert Einstein, arguably the most intellegent man the earth has ever known, was wrong 99 percent of the time then you should not be discouraged by a little failure. The people who are able to fight past the failure and succeed are the ones who become the best of the next generation (In your case the next John Carmack).
I don´t wanna John Carmack... I would prefer being Sid Meier, Roberta Williams or Jordan Mechner... These three fellas are great. Carmack sucks. 3d sucks.


Despotismo AKA Javier Otaegui
Sabarasa Entertainment -
Creators of "Malvinas 2032"
Seeking publishers
Despotismo AKA Javier OtaeguiSabarasa

Hey dude I know how ya feel, I''m only 15 myself and I agree with aldacron, Sometimes things just pop into place and you wonder why you didn''t see them before...

I''m I the only one who doesn''t want to be the next John Carmac, I''d rather be the next Sid Meier or Will Wright...

3d doesn''t suck... 3d shooters do! (with the exception of half-life)
i know how you feel. I am in the same posistion. You feel like you are going 100mph, just whipping along and all of a sudden, SMACK! You slam into a brick wall. Just learn to peal yourself off the wall and find a way around it (a lot of the time there are doors, or you can go around them). I am currently peeling myself of a rather big brick wall. I just attempted to make a windows 98 skeleton. I believe the solution (way around the brick wall) is buy a better book and learn how to do it.

don''t worry, things will work out

"great spirits have encoutered violent opposition from mideochre minds"
- Albert Einstien

ps. I am only 16 and am programming as a hobby, but i plan to make it into a career. watch out, i wouldn''t mind being the next carmack, either!!

- Moe
- Moe
Hey alvist, what part of alberta are you from?
Im from vermilion - 2 hours east of edmonton

- moe -
Believe it or not, it''s healthy to feel the way you do. It keeps you grounded and on your toes to constantly push yourself. It''s when you forget that fact you get in serious trouble. This is far worse than questioning your abilities. Just don''t go overboard with it one way or the other.

One last point:

The biggest obstacle you face is far closer and far more dangerous than everyone else who appears to possess "superior" skills. It''s your own mind. Impress it instead of everyone else...


To all,

Just relax and take your time. There''s still a lot of time... When you get frustrated just stop and get back to it later. Everyday is not the same as yesterday. Everyday is always another day..... Good Luck!

"There's always another way around"

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