
framerate drops when objects near camera

Started by March 11, 2002 09:37 PM
4 comments, last by racer_x 22 years, 11 months ago
Hey guys! I have noticed a problem with my framerate. Normally, I get 60 FPS because that is my monitor refresh rate. However, if I ''walk'' close to my objects on the screen, the framerate halves. Clearly this is because it can''t quite make the 60 fps so it has to wait until the next refresh. I get that. What I need advice on is how to improve the framerate! The problem is caused because there is a relatively high number of LARGE polygons filling the viewport, and it needs to texture and light all of them. Anyone know any tricks? Thanks! -E
You can use Vertex Array to improve the performance.
If you have Geforce graphic card, you can your Vertex Array mit
this extension GL_NV_vertex_array_range to get more performance.

bond: that won''t help alot. this problem is about fillrate, not polygonrate.

racer_x: the only solution (afaik) is to draw as few objects as possible, eg don''t draw objects if you know they are occluded.
If you have two big walls in front of you, and each wall covers the entire screen, then don''t draw the farthest wall because the closest wall is the only visible one (if not transparent of course).
What graphics card are you using? Also, tell us what the framerate is before and after, withough vsync turned on.
another thing that will improve fillrate id sorting your object form near to far.. specialy on newer cards this can save you a magnitude of x2 or even more becouse of early Z test. Also you could consider some kind of occlusion testing if your scene is static....

There are more worlds than the one that you hold in your hand...
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Thanks Darkwing. I was wondering if the card would take less time to draw partially obscured objects as well as completely obscured. I''m going to try something :^) I just don''t know what!

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