
What does the Unreal Engine, and UT use?

Started by February 21, 2000 04:19 PM
6 comments, last by Esap1 25 years ago
What does the Unreal Engine and Unreal Tournament Engine use, BSP, cells and Portals, What, I was just wondering because the level are very unquie, not just all corridoor and not all outside, it looks pretty good, and runs great, thanks
im taking a wild guess, but i think Ureal or UT uses BSP trees.

Anyone know exactly?
Unreal/UT uses BSP-trees.

it''s possible that they use portals, too, but i doubt it very much.

Actually, I''m pretty sure that Unreal uses portals. Quake is the one that uses BSP trees.

yeah, I know Quake uses BSP, but I have no clue what Unreal uses.
If you look through the Unreal technology pages, it tells you..... Unreal is BSP-based, using relatively sparse BSP trees. Tim Sweeney has written a lot on this topic. The Unreal Engine also supports portals (you can do some really wacky things with them by attaching them to movers in UnrealEd, too), but its not a portal based engine.

If you have Unreal or Unreal Tournament, you have UnrealEd - and that contains all the info you really need!
BSP''s with sector portals (each portal connects large areas of non-convex geometry.)

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