
I need help with DelphiX for Delphi.PLEASE HELP!

Started by March 09, 2002 05:53 AM
0 comments, last by Nass 22 years, 9 months ago
Okay, i just downloaded delphiX for delphi and i want to make a little .wav player. I read a tutorial i found here that assigns some wave files to a list at design time. So far so good, now i (think) i know how to make a sound being played. But what if i want to choose the wav. file to be played at runtime? In other words, HOW can i make DXSOUND component (or DXWAVE or DXWAVELIST components) ''get'' the filename that i will assigh to the Opendialog component at runtime????? And also HOW can i then PLAY,STOP,REWIND etcetc the opened file?? TIA Nass
You could try the turbo forum...

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