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9 comments, last by Erestar 24 years, 4 months ago
Just a quick question for all you other game nuts out there: Do you like the later two Final Fantasys ? I played FFVII for about 10 minutes at my friends house, and it just didn''t seem to have the stuff that the old SNES ones did. Did I just not give these newer ones a chance, or are these super-powered 3d games truely lacking in what made the old ones special ? Cheers, Ere
That''s you. I love FF 7 and 8. Everything about the games is good. The story line really draws you into the game. Ofcoarse, you can''t really get a good feeling of a game after 10 minutes.

Well, I got a good go at the game, and to me, it leaves much to be desired. Sure, it looked nice, but if I wanted all looks and no gameplay, I'd play quake3 (but that's a different rant). Don't get me wrong, when square does a good game, it ROCKS, but the current FF's haven't been it (tactics NOT included, sorry). Here's a run down of why I say this

1.) Paper thin characters
Cloud-The mysterious hero who gets dragged into being one
Barret- Mr.T only polyginal and better hair (or worse depening on ur opinion).
Tifa- The Girl...
Jesse, Wedge, Biggs- The other people...

I just wasn't feeling it as much as Terra, the half esper, Celes, the magic night, or Locke, the "treasure Hunter".

From as far as I got, the story wasn't very captivating, if it was I would have finished it. Parasite Eve's story is capatavating, FF Tactic's story is captivating, FF VII's wasn't. I think the dropped the ball on pacing, there where too many points where I just didn't care, and was trying to just get on with the plot. I've had more fun playing Grandia (who's graphics are half as neat), and Xenogears (who's gameplay is new, and who's story is actually interesting) or StarOcean (wich has rediculous depth).

I just want to say, don't believe the hype, sure the FF's weren't bad, but why give square mad props for their sub par games just cuz it's Square or FF. Freedom of thought is a wonderful thing.

Dare To Think Outside The Box

Edited by - INVERSED on 2/21/00 5:15:25 PM
Write more poetry.http://www.Me-Zine.org
yeah they were ok, i guess. its kinda hard to beat ff6 and ff5 tho as far as gameplay and depth go. But i thought the cinematics in ff8 were absolutely gorgeous, the detail that they went through to give realism to the characters (ie skin stretches) was amazing.
I was always more of a secret of mana fan tho, cant wait for legend of mana
I''m not very happy of the latest FF.
It seems they''ve forgot something that makes the others good ?
Maybe it''s the not so good 3d graphics or lake of world logic and linear story...
The heros are not what they have been...

-* Sounds, music and story makes the difference between good and great games *-
sorry the last post was from me.

-* Sounds, music and story makes the difference between good and great games *-
-* So many things to do, so little time to spend. *-
I only played FF8 (FF7''s graphics was a total turn off, so i just skip it)
I''m kinda very used to the four person group, and 3 person took a while to adjust(and i still hate it
The magic system was ridiculous IMO, draw from enemy? Gimme back the old level up and learn magic of FF4 and 5!!!!
Junction system was a nice one though, junction haste to speed up, power up attacks, etc. I have to admit though, the introduction of the magic system would be to balance the junction, so I can''t blame them. But really, drawing Guardian Forces(I prefer to call them callers still) from enemy, and magic? 100 of them to junction a stat fully? Gee, annoying.
Storyline is going sci fi... i still prefer good old fantasy
And damn it, I want to buy armor and weapons!
In conclusion, besides the junction system, i hate it all!!

*note, all personal opinions*
All of the 2D Final Fantasy games have always been my favorite type of game (FF3 being the best.) This game really drew you in, kinda like a movie. You always wondered what would happen next. This is my favorite game of all time, and I wouldn''t like to see this style and quality of game die out.

FFVII wasn''t bad, but FFVIII is the only game I know of that
can crash my playstation. FFVII isn''t anywhere near FFIV (II US), FFV or FFVI (III US) in terms of plot, but IMO has better replay value than FFIV. FFV with the job system and the really huge plot was much better that FFVII or FFVIII. And I just like the character best in FFVI. Of course the Final Fantasy with the best replay value was FFI.

That being said, I bought my playstation explicitly for FFVII, effectively making it a $250 game, and I thought my money was well spent. FFVIII I''ll probably still buy for the computer. If only so I can get past Disc 3 without my playstation crashing.

btw, By far my favorite final fantasy is final fantasy tactics. It''s not the plot though. The gameplay was just addicting, leveling up was really really fun, and it''s replay value is just shy of FFI.

Rumor has it that the next Final Fantasy will actually be a fantasy again. That''ll be neat.
Finally! Someone thinks the same! I really feel the FF VII and FF VIII were lacking in the plot department.. it looks like they substituted that with graphics which I think sucks. I''d rather play the old snes ones which were awesome and had an awesome story then play the new ones just for the graphics

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