
Cross-DLL question

Started by February 21, 2000 01:12 AM
1 comment, last by Atavist 25 years ago
First off, I''m just learning about dll''s. I''ve experimented with them using vc++ and been able to make them and use them. The question: can you make dll''s in c++ and then use this dll with visual basic? What extra work is involved? (special lib files?, being careful with data types?) Thanks in advance. Mike One person said that the games industry is "a transfer of funds from the rich to the lucky"
Just because the church was wrong doesn't mean Galileo wasn't a heretic.It just means he was a heretic who was right.
Well, data types are the biggest concern, as VB''s are all signed... But, no, there''s no real big deal, unless you''re working with strings, userdefined types, or objects/classes. I am able to quite easily pass numbers of various types back and forth quite nicely. There are a couple articles on the MSDN library site that will be very helpful as long as you can find them I believe that one is in the ''hardcore visual basic'' book that is online there.

-- black eyez
Even though dll''s aren''t that hard, I cannot get strings to work. How do you get them to work?

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