Access Violation?
The Debugger in VC++ came up when I tried running my program and said Access Violation, then went to the line in my WinProc func:
m_App->m_pD3DDev->SetTransform(D3DTRANSFORMSTATE_VIEW, m_App->matView);
I have a class where I keep all that stuff called m_App, why cant I do that?
Whats the problem, THANKS A LOT!

This error commonly occurs when you have a NULL pointer. I get it sometimes when surfaces are lost and I didn't do my error checking.
In the debugger window, check the values of m_App and m_pD3DDev. If one of them reads something like 0x000000 (if I remember correctly) then you're either not initializng the pointer or passing a NULL reference. Otherwise, the value will be a memory address, in which case the problem lies elsewhere.
Edited by - Aldacron on 2/20/00 6:46:21 PM
In the debugger window, check the values of m_App and m_pD3DDev. If one of them reads something like 0x000000 (if I remember correctly) then you're either not initializng the pointer or passing a NULL reference. Otherwise, the value will be a memory address, in which case the problem lies elsewhere.
Edited by - Aldacron on 2/20/00 6:46:21 PM
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