
problems with graphics engine

Started by March 04, 2002 09:55 PM
4 comments, last by evilclown 22 years, 9 months ago
My graphics engine works if i comment out one line. If I uncomment it, it appears to work but it doesn''t. The window closes after the x is pressed, but it''s still in the ctrl-alt-del menu. I have to end the task before I can link my program. Do you see anything wrong in my code?


#include <vector>
#include <string>

class graphics {

    bool init(int, int, int);
    int LoadSurface(std::string);
    void FreeSurfaces();
    int get_width();
    int get_height();
    int get_bpp();
    void blit_tile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
    void render_begin();
    void render_end();

    vector surfaces;
    SDL_Surface* screen;

    int screen_width;
    int screen_height;
    int screen_bpp;

graphics::graphics() {
  //initialize class

  screen_width = 0;
  screen_height = 0;
  screen_bpp = 0;

graphics::~graphics() {
  //free graphics

void graphics::FreeSurfaces() {
  while(surfaces.size() > 0) {
    SDL_FreeSurface(surfaces[surfaces.size() - 1]);

bool graphics::init(int width, int height, int bpp) {
  if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) {
    return false;
  screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, SDL_SWSURFACE);
  if(screen == NULL) {
    return false;
  screen_width = width;
  screen_height = height;
  screen_bpp = bpp;
  return true;

int graphics::LoadSurface(std::string file) {
  SDL_Surface* surface;
  int index;

  index = surfaces.size();
  surface = SDL_LoadBMP(;
  if(surface == NULL) {
    cerr << "could not load: " << file << endl << SDL_GetError() << endl;
    return -1;
  return index;

int graphics::get_width() {
  return screen_width;

int graphics::get_height() {
  return screen_height;

int graphics::get_bpp() {
  return screen_bpp;

void graphics::blit_tile(int index, int tilex, int tiley, int srcx, int srcy, int width, int height) {
  SDL_Rect dest;
  SDL_Rect src;

  dest.x = tilex * width;
  dest.y = tiley * height;
  dest.w = width;
  dest.h = height;

  src.x = srcx * width;
  src.y = srcy * height;
  src.w = width;
  src.h = height;

  SDL_BlitSurface(surfaces[index], &src, screen, &dest);


void graphics::render_begin() {
  //fill a blank screen
  SDL_FillRect(screen, 0, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 125, 0, 0));

void graphics::render_end() {
  //update screen
  SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);


#include "SDL.h"
#include "graphics.h"

graphics game_graphics;
bool bdone = false;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  SDL_Event event;
  int stileset;

  if(game_graphics.init(640, 480, 16)==false) {
    cerr << "Error" << endl << SDL_GetError() << endl;
    return -1;

  //stileset = game_graphics.LoadSurface("tileset.bmp");
  //this is the line that is a problem

  do {
    while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
      switch(event.type) {
        case SDL_QUIT:
          bdone = true;

      //game_graphics.blit_tile(stileset, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 32);
      //going to blit, but can''t until surface problem is fixed


  cout << "done." << endl;
  return 0;
I know the one line in the class declaration is supposed to be vector surfaces;

Am I not using vectors properly? If I comment out this line

It doesn't stay in the ctrl-alt-del menu.

edit: the board thinks I'm using html. It should say vector<SDL_Surface*> surface; where it says vector surfaces;

Edited by - evilclown on March 6, 2002 11:54:22 AM
I''m not too hot on vectors but if the vector is just a group of pointers to surfaces, using
is getting rid of the surface but leaving the pointer in vector. Should''nt you get rid of the surfaces only when the program ends.

Commenting out SDL_FreeSurface(surface); doesn''t fix it. The only thing that does fix it is commenting out surfaces.push_back(surface);. I can use surfaces, but I can''t get them working in a vector. Any other ideas?
I don't like the look of your graphics::FreeSurfaces() function. I would've written it like this:

void graphics::FreeSurfaces() {

int NumSurfaces;

NumSurfaces = surfaces.size();

for (int i=0; i LESS THAN NumSurfaces; i++)
SDL_FreeSurface( );


It thinks I'm trying to use html, so I'll write some of it out.

Edited by - DaWanderer on March 7, 2002 11:22:59 PM
I still can't see the reason for it. Unless you want a vector of actual surfaces, in which case you're copying the SDL_Surface class when you pushback and freeing up the original, bit
point(er)less really.

Have you tested the surface before you pushback ?

Also as your getting the index before you pushback, the index is going to represent the tile one before the current. That makes the first pushback Index=-1 (or null) when vector=empty.

I hope I'm making cents.


Edited by - Jason Zelos on March 8, 2002 3:10:21 PM

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