Trying to decide on a book
When I went through my earlier Computer Science classes, they taught C, but now they are teaching C++. Now I want to try learning C++ on my own, or at least some of it. I went ahead and bought the textbook from the first C++ class since it had good reviews at and the teacher I know liked it. I looked into the C++ textbook being used our second C++ class and it doesn''t have too good of reviews. Plus the teacher I know says it''s ok, but not good.
This is the book I''m talking about:
I wanted to know if anyone knew of a C++ book that covers data structures/OOP, in otherwords a replacement for this book?
Also, I have a teacher who offered to give me this book:
and I was wondering if this book was good (if anyone knows)?
Thanks ahead of time for any help.
I''m not a pro, but when I switched to C++ I started with the Dummies book, can''t remember the author, who assumes you know C and are switching - gives you all the basics. Liberty''s C++ in 21 days is also useful, doesn''t assume you know C.
Well, I''m no pro, either, but if you want to go the whole way, I''d suggest C++: The Complete Reference. I wouldn''t recommend it for someone who was just learning C++, but since you say you already are familiar with C, I think you''d find this to be one of the faster ways to learn C++. It''s very well-written and most of the examples (that I''ve looked at, it is 1,008 pages) are clear and concise. It covers all the advanced topics of C++, including STL, and it includes two very good full examples at the back of the book, with explanations of how they work. As an added bonus, it also serves as a C reference, with the first 10 chapters focusing mostly on C and what it can do, while chapters 11-40 cover C++.
"It''s groin-grabbingly transcendent!" - Mr. Gamble, my teacher, speaking of his C++ AP class
"It''s groin-grabbingly transcendent!" - Mr. Gamble, my teacher, speaking of his C++ AP class
-----------------------------------"Is the size of project directly proportional to the amount of stupidity to be demonstrated?" -SabreMan
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