
Any ideas on fog of war?

Started by February 20, 2000 09:32 AM
1 comment, last by Bigshot 25 years ago
I got suckered into joining a game "company" and by some weird twist of reasoning I was made the lead programmer. The company is working on a strategy game (just what the world needs...hehe) so I''m trying to design an engine for it. Last night I got a mid-sized map going (64x64 tiles) and I added a mouse cursor so you can scroll around and click on things, I put one unit in there to test if he could move around using mouse clicking, and lastly I put in a minimap that overviews the whole map. A basic feature that almost all strategy games have is fog of war, but since I''ve never made a strategy game I''m wondering how to implement a good fog of war system that doesn''t look like crap. Any ideas? Oh yeah, and I''m not going to buy that book Real-Time strategy game programming or whatever it''s called. I''m broke! Thanks, Al
Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.
check this ...

damn, can''t remember my login ...
You wouldn''t want to get that book anyway. Fog of war is one of the *many* things that the author mentions, but doesn''t implement in code.

Note to anyone who would think about buying that book: Check out Amit''s site. It contains as much information as the book does (plus more), but it''s better organized and free.

You can find Amit''s site here:


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