
opengl: unable to build

Started by February 20, 2000 07:00 AM
1 comment, last by nazmie 25 years ago
i just new at this,, i try to build a demo source code that i get form a site.. but i get error massage some thing like " unresolved external symbol" what does this thing mean i''m using visual c++ 6.0 and i have ATI XPERT@PLAY video card
When you get an error message like that it usually means you have forgotten to link with the right library file.

Since you are doing an OpenGL App I suggest you try linking with opengl32.lib and glu32.lib.
I think this has something to do with your linker settings. They''re in (at least with VC++5) Project / Settings -> Link. You probably have to add something like this to the object/library line:

OpenGL32.lib GLu32.lib GLaux.lib

Depending on which of these your source needs. Just look at the include names, they''re pretty similar.

Hope this helps.

Christianity, Creation, metric, Dvorak, and BeOS for all!

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