
Drawing lines helluva fast!

Started by February 20, 2000 01:27 AM
1 comment, last by Bigshot 25 years ago
I actually need to draw horizontal and vertical lines in a game, so I was wondering how to do it the fastest way possible. Here''s the code I''m using for a horizontal line; see if you can work with it:
void HLine(int x1,int x2,int y,int color)
	// adjust line position to map position
	x1 = x1 - world_x;
	x2 = x2 - world_x;
	y = y - world_y;

	// check if line is completely offscreen
	if (x2 < 0 // x1 > 639 // y < 0 // y > 479)

	// clip to screen if necessary
	x1 = ((x1 < 0) ? 0 : x1);
	x2 = ((x2 > 639) ? 639 : x2);

	// draw the row of pixels
	memset((UCHAR *)(back_buffer+(y*back_lpitch)+x1),

} // end HLine 
And the vertical line:
void VLine(int y1,int y2,int x,int color)
	UCHAR *start_offset; // starting memory offset of line
	int index; // loop index

	// adjust line position to map position
	x = x - world_x;
	y1 = y1 - world_y;
	y2 = y2 - world_y;

	// check if line is completely offscreen
	if (x < 0 // x > 639 // y2 < 0 // y1 > 479)

	// clip to screen if necessary
	y1 = ((y1 < 0) ? 0 : y1);
	y2 = ((y2 > 479) ? 479 : y2);

	// compute starting position
	start_offset = back_buffer + (y1*back_lpitch) + x;

	// draw line one pixel at a time
	for (index=0; index<=y2-y1; index++)
		// set the pixel
		*start_offset = (UCHAR)color;

		// advance to next line

} // end VLine 
Of course I have to lock the back buffer before calling these functions, which takes precious time itself. I wish I didn''t have to do that, but oh well, what can you do? Anyway, the slowest parts I can see in my code are the memory copies (and probably the function calls), and this is especially true for the vertical line. Clipping also makes it a tad slower, but I have to use clipping. I''m sure inline assembly would make it faster, but that''s not an option since I don''t know crap about assembly. Maybe someone could me help out? I''d appreciate any suggestions. Thanks, Al
Alexbigshot@austin.rr.comFoolish man give wife grand piano. Wise man give wife upright organ.
If you only need horizontal and vertical lines, you might consider using GDI and draw a rectangle with only one pixel width. I believe this is the fastest way to do it, unless you write your own assembly routine.

I beleive most cards have 2D hardware acceleration for most GDI routines, among them filling an area with a color.

If you''re using D3D or OpenGL you can get the drivers to draw your line by specifying the endpoints in 3D coordinates.

If it''s just horizontal and vertical lines you need, consider doing a colour fill with Blt or BltFast and specifing a RECT for the area where you want a line

No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn''t work anyway.
===========================There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.( My views in no way reflect the views of my employer. )

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