Original post by dwarfsoft
*applaudes InnocuousFox*
*gracious bow*
but as with all hopefuls, theorists and theologists - eventually everyone learns the truth (which is out there btw) its really f***ing hard to do it right.
Brilliant! That kinda sums it up, doesn't it? Are you going to the GDC, Dwarf? I need to buy you a beer!
...and the sacrifices I have to make in order to get it functional.
Yeah... DrGod needs to read a post-mortem or 3.
...you might learn to appreciate what some game-developers have been able to achieve.
There needs to be a bit more of that in our industry anyway.
First learn to Tolerate that which is greater than you or what you could achieve (in this case, the games that are so intollerable in your eyes), Respect that which is beyond you (in that the developers of these games have had to sacrifice high ideals to create something that is usable and is functional) and Learn from what good things these games can teach us and how we may grow from the experience of them.
Have I told you lately that I loved you? This should be a mantra for a lot of facets of society. You now deserve two beers!
Only once you have the power to create such a game are you worthy to criticise that which is beyond your current scope of expertise. This has been something I have slowly had to come to terms with. I used the term "Suck" many times a year and a half ago when I first came here. I haven't proven to be able to meet my own demands and therefore have not proven that the games suck, but instead that I suck in comparison to those who make the games.
*Insert animated beer counter here*
Dwarf... you are a man worthy of great respect. I hope that your message resounds in the pubescent head of DrCocky and he feeds on its wisdom and goes on to do great things.
Dave Mark
Intrinsic Algorithm Development
"Reducing the world to mathematical equations!"
Edited by - InnocuousFox on March 1, 2002 11:24:32 AM