
Help me please!!!

Started by February 26, 2002 10:53 AM
5 comments, last by SauronTheDark 22 years, 9 months ago
bool running=true; //Is the program still running? When i compile i get these errors: error C2146: syntax error : missing '';'' before ientifier ''running'' error C2377: ''bool'' : redefinition; typedef cannot be overloaded with any other symbol error C2501: ''running'' : missing storage-class or type specifiers Why the hell would it be doing this? I changed the code and then i changed it back to what it was before (when it compiled) and now i get this error. I cant see whats wrong #define BLOODY_WORK_THIS_TIME;
you might be missing a ; in the line before that one
nope this is all thats before it

#define WINDOW_CLASS "Dark Mage"
#define WINDOW_TITLE "Dark Mage"

#include <windows.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "main.h"

and i am getting similar messages for every other variable in the program.

Edited by - sauronthedark on February 26, 2002 12:01:23 PM
or maybe, your missing a ; in main.h

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lol yeah it was thanks

You''re complier may not support a bool type. Try using an integer. Set it to one for true and zero for false.


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it does

I am using MVC7 (the one that comes with Dev Studios.Net beta 2)


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