I'm trying to find out what I need, but the site is kinda confusing. I thought I wanted to be able to delete entries from the middle of a container, but maybe that would cause problems later on. Because if I have 1 as the index for a surface, and if I remove surface 0, surface 1 would move down to surface 0, 2 down to 1 so it would use the wrong texture. Maybe I should use something like perl's associative arrays? ( $arrayname["key"] = value ). Or do you know of something else that would work better?
One other thing, what does constant and linear time mean?
linear time insertion and removal of elements at the beginning or in the middle
If I can't remove elements in the middle, what does this mean?
Does an assosiative array seem like the right choice?
Edited by - evilclown on February 27, 2002 12:09:45 PM