I just discoreved this community too
I started programming when I was young too.
I didn''t become interrested in programming myself, it was a school class.
I started LogoWrite at school when I was 10.
At 12, we moved to Hypercard on Macintosh.
I always had good bulletin note (more than 90%) but I didn''t know where they came from.
I didn''t thought I was so good. I was making stuffs and all the class were coming to me to see it, they were saying they were impressed and I was good etc, but I wasn''t trusting them. I think they said what they said was because I aways looked sad and they were my friends (all the class!) and they wanted to valorise me, I was like, the idot of the class etc
I am now 20. I started to rebecome interrested by programming when I was 15 (at that time, a compiler looked magic for me and I wanted one to be able to make the programs people were buying hundreds of dollars (photoshop, QuarkXPress etc) and to make my own programs). I started C++, but didn''t done a lot of stuff.
I fixed more a goal of becoming a kind of guru who can program near anything in one weekend instead of a stuff producer.
In fact, my problem was that internet was in its early age, and I lost interrest into programming, but now Im back, and I want to make stuff, put it in my port folio and get a good job
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