
DigiPen Graduates and Students: Questions

Started by February 22, 2002 08:58 PM
3 comments, last by tazarok 22 years, 7 months ago
Well, hello. I''m inquiring to slake my interest in student backgrounds of those that attended DigiPen. Also, I''m interested in DigiPen admissions. Oh, yes: specifically, I''m requesting information about DigiPen''s BA in Game Design. To clarify: *Did you posses a certain proclivity for mathematics or did passion for games drive you to such an end? *In High School, how did you perform academically? Specifically, overall G.P.A. and achievement tests, such as the S.A.T. and A.C.T.. *What courses did you take and what was your favorite subject? *Prior to entering DigiPen, how well developed were your mathematical and programming capabilities? *I’ve heard that DigiPen prefers students who lack programming experience because of possible bad habits, is this nothing more than a vulgar rumor? Additionally, I''m interested in anything else you can tell me about the school environment. I''ve read through many articles and scoured message boards, but, as inferred previously, I''m not satisfied with the answers I''ve found thus far. In fairness, I''ll end by indulging possible interest of my person. Currently, I''m a junior in High School and exploring educational opportunities. Allowing deviation, my G.P.A. falls somewhere around 3.5.. I''m technically and artistically inclined, leaning towards concepts and problem solving. I don''t care much for traditional academic environments and have always extended just enough effort to maintain Bs in all classes, including APs. Invariably, I produce several As yearly; generally in English and History. I''m dyslexic and have auditory processing problems, but I learn at an accelerated rate when left to my own devices. Simply, traditional academical programs do not behoove me. The time I spend in school is largely wasted through lectures of teachers bereft of any semblance of enthusiasm. Additionally, the crawling pace of High School and the attention to lay or mundane topics makes me want to crack skulls. I’ll end there; although I could speak at great length regarding the repression school can induce early on in education… I began programming when I was 11 with Pascal but quit soon after I began. Then, I proceeded to learn calculator basic (not sure what the programming language used for t-8* is) and continue to use this language today. At 13 years old, I learned HTML, java-script, and various web languages. Then, I started C++… although I didn’t work with it often, not driven specifically towards any end that called for its use. My C++ programming experienced lengthy cessation and only recently have I begun to study it again. Presently, I’m rehashing my mathematical abilities and dusting off my C++ books. From 10-13, I drew all the time and constantly tinkered with Photoshop. I’ve always loved games. I played Ultima Online for about 3 years and Everquest for nearly a year. (If anyone here played on Catskills, I’d like to hear from you). My favorite game, mmorpg genre withstanding, is Planescape: Torment. Although my peripheral experience with the industry is dwarfed in comparison to most beginners or novices, I attend to pursue this career. Now, I’ve set aside games and other idle indulgences and have begun to focus. I intend on learning higher-level mathematics and improving my programming abilities before attending College. Thanks for reading this; anything pertinent you could provide me with would be much appreciated. I’m rarely this loquacious, but I thought sincerity was called for in kind, as such is what I ask for.
I am not a DigiPen student or graduate, and do not ever plan to be. however, this question comes up from time to time, so my suggestion is that you use the search tool and simply enter "DigiPen". You''ll probably find most of what you want/need to know there.

[ GDNet Start Here | GDNet Search Tool | GDNet FAQ | MS RTFM [MSDN] | SGI STL Docs | Google! ]
Thanks to Kylotan for the idea!
Actually, I''ve searched for DigiPen and pursued all leads through this forum and my questions were not satisfied.
humm, i think it''s better for people to learn programming as soon as possible, forget waiting for

As for that they prefer u lack programming knowledge, who care, they can''t turn you down because you know how to do things that you plan on doing the rest of your life. And bad habits CAN BE UNLEARNED over time anyway.
it takes time to unlearn something, but i still agree with u AP, besides what college would discourage prospective students from learning more, im sorry, but i think u have been misinformed


-= kill one your a murderer, kill thousands your a conquerer =-
-= kill one you're a murderer, kill thousands you're a conquerer =-

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